“See You”

See you is a song by an artist named Rapta that I was granted with the opportunity to have full art direction for. Below are some of the different pieces I created that were used to promote the song.

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Official Cover Art

The cover art being the piece that follows the song further than any other piece in this campaign it is important that it matches the vibe of the song perfectly.



The first piece that was created for this project was the outfit that Rapta wore for the song cover art as well as the video for the song. The look of this outfit would determine the vibe of the entire campaign.


Alternate Cover Art

The alternate cover art is used to tease the release of the song. Again this is a very important part of the campaign as it is an immediate visual for the song.


Instagram Story Motion

A simple 10 second motion piece used to promote the release date for the song.


Instagram Feed Motion

Subtle motion usually with the first 30 second snippet of the song released playing behind the motion.


Song Merchandise

Handmade t-shirts created for fans to purchase to feel apart of their favorite song.

see you banner2.png


A piece created to recap and continue to promote the song weeks after release